Friday, February 22

Tribute to Love

As a human being, life is sometimes cruel to you. As you walk further and face more obstacles, you become more mature, no matter how small the difference is. Some people have parents to refer to, some lean on their best mates for strength, while others may only depend on their believes for faith. As for me, I have my own team of hearts to where i can fall on. And today, I'm taking this advantage of telling them how much they mean to me, no matter how far or close, no matter how feminine or macho, no matter how much attention or ignorant you are towards me. You guys are the best that I will never ever let go til He separate me from earth. So, this is for you, my loves...

Infinitive gratitude to Allah s.w.t,
For He has created a humble servant, surrounded with love and tranquility.
He is my soul, without it, I'm dead.

Beloved Papa,
For he was and still is my backbone, where the strength lies deep.
Without him, I would be limp for life.

A comfort of a family,
Where I can remain solitude in peace, protected from harm of the outside world.
Without them, I'm alone in the war field.

To my lovely sister, Jee,
She is the brain of mine, each thought is so thoughtful.
Without her, I'm a mental.

To my four beautiful angels, Lilo, Dayah, Nabie, and Al,
You are the running blood in my veins, serene warmth with each flow.
Without you, I'm a walking zombie.

To my three loyal soldiers, Fairus, Nerd and Nazrin,
You are the wrath that wraps around me, being immune to all hazards and blunders.
Without you, I'm prone to weakness and destruction.

To my little babies, Chi Chi and Heho,
You are the joy in life, the best medicines of somber.
Without you, I'm crack.

These are the ones that I love. These are the ones that I respect. These are the ones that I pray for. For they always have faith in me.


And I have faith in them.


Alyn Tahir said...

aww... :'( d last sentence from dis passage is all i need now. tq shayang....

xinsiera said...

ur welcome honey.


chakry said...

muna, stay strong! i need your support to kenakan edwan! ;)

xinsiera said...

heheheh.. sure thing my dear.
i'll always help u kenakan edwan.

Anonymous said...

muna,thank u so smuch syg,for the love.i really appreciate it.u hang in there k.n i will always be there for u..muah2